
The Color Wheel

Primary Colors: Red, Yellow, Blue
Secondary Colors: Green, Purple, Orange
Complement Colors: are exactly opposite on a color wheel
Triad: set of three colors equidistant from each other:
Red, Yellow, Blue

Colors next to each-other create an undertone

Shades + Tints + Tones

Hue + Black = Shade
Hue + White = Tint

Tufte's Rules for Color Usage

Concerning how colors should relate to information:

Above all do no harm

— Tufte

  1. Avoid loud strong colors
  2. Avoid using light/bright colors mixed with white over large areas ➡︎ 1+1=3 or "noise" effect
  3. Use "quite" background colors to allow information to stand out

5 Principles of Document Design

Operate on readers by means of:

Page Design

Order -
Enclosure - is how we show seperation and group objects