Curiosity Question: Do blueberries help boost your memory?
- Answer: Maybe
polyner: polysaccharide
monomer monosaccharide
most follow a similar structure: CH2O
- many C-H bonds
- polar
- they contain OH groups
- they dissolve in water
- all have a carbonyl group
- location of carbonyl group
- aldehyde: at the end; (aldose)
- ketone: in the middle; (ketose)
- number of carbon atoms
- triose
- spatial arrangement:
- ispmer: same formula; different orientation
- not interchangeable
- ispmer: same formula; different orientation
- linear ring structures
- ex: sugar typically forms rings in aqueous solutions
- ring form:
- alpha: hydroxemers (C-OH) are pointed down fron the ring
- beta: hydroxemers are pointed up from the ring
- alpha: hydroxemers (C-OH) are pointed down fron the ring