Sentence Modifier Discussion - 修飾語

If the noun phrase + copula sentence modifier followed the same pattern as a verb/adjective sentence modifier, it would consist of

Let us analyze sequences like:

When a sentence consisting of or ending with noun phrase + だ occurs as a modifier of a following noun phrase, acquires the special form . In the case of a na-adjective (which would otherwise be a noun) it becomes a .

病気 is not a na-adjective but 元気 is. However, every noun phrase (particle) + だ before ん\だ/ の\だ becomes noun phrase (particle) + な. Thus, does follow nouns as well in this construction, and ん\だ / の\だ. loose their accents after accented phrases:

病気なんです。     (It's that) [s/he]'s sick.
日本人なの?      (Is it that) [s/he]'s Japanese.
今日からなんでしょう? (It's that) it's starting today.

In other places, how noun phrase (particle) + だ + の ends up depends on whether or not the noun of the sentence modifier is a na-nominal:

In the perfective equivalent of the sentence modifier with a noun phrase, だった retains its normal form:

The negative of a noun phrase, as usual, becomes an adjective phrase.

The sentence modifier group can be extended to include が phrases noun phrase + が noun/na-adjective + だ:

友達が好きだ + もの > 友達が好きなもの OR 友達の好きなもの
things my friend likes

弟が学生だった時 > 弟が学生だった時
the time when my brother was a student

The various の:

  1. \の as a replacement or anticipatory noun, or ん・のだ
大きいのをください。 Give me a big one.
買うのはどこ?    Where do you buy it?
わかるんです。    It's that I understand.
  1. as a special pre-noun form of だ
病気の学生 student who is sick
  1. as a particle connecting noun phrases where the following noun is a part of (owned by, possessed by) the preceding
私の本     my book
川の水     water in the river
東京のタクシー Tokyo taxi(s)
  1. that alternates with が when occurring as a sentence modifier
兄の作った機械 OR 兄が作った機械
  1. as the contraction of (3) + (1) or (2) + (1)
私のです   It's mine
グレーのです It's the one that's gray.